Inspiration for Self

Hello! My name is Kasijana Britt. I’m in the 9th grade. I have been in MIB&G (Mentors Inspiring Boys and Girls) since the 3rd grade. When I first started, I was a very shy person, couldn’t talk great, and I didn’t like to read. Now I am outspoken, and love to debate with people. My speech and reading are also better. I am able to memorize lines in like 5 minutes. Mr. Ricks is like a father figure to me. He is an amazing role model for the youth. Working with him makes me keep up with my grades and allowed me the opportunity to move to Chicago to be on the Disney channel. I declined the offer because I was way too scared to leave the comforts of Mr. Ricks. I actually cried for days because I would have been in a new City without my mentor and father figure. He is the best thing to happen to me because he was there for me when my father was not. He continues to teach me right from wrong and all the things to lead a successful life.

Sincerely MIB&G member – Kasijana Britt

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